Legal notice

Information pursuant to § 6 Teleservices Act (TDG)

KW Kranwerke GmbH
Rotterdamer Straße 15
68219 Mannheim, Germany
Telephone: +49 621 833 701 0
Fax: +49 621 833 701 55

Managing Director: Christian Knab / Lutz Serfort

Registry Court: Mannheim
Registry number: HRB 734330
VAT Identification Number: DE812570681
Tax No.: 38184/77603

Copyright Notice

The graphics and text on the website are subject to the copyright of KW Kranwerke GmbH. Logos or lettering from products or companies that do no belong to KW Kranwerke GmbH are subject to the copyright of the respective manufacturer or company. Any use of content from our website that is not for private purposes requires our prior written approval.

Notice of liability

Liability for the correctness, completeness, and currentness of our website shall in no way be assumed. We have included on our website links to other websites on the Internet. The following applies to all these links: We would like to expressly emphasize that we in no way have any influence on the design or content of the linked pages. Therefore, we herewith expressly distance ourselves from all content contained in any linked website on our homepage. This statement shall apply to all links displayed with a banner on our homepage and to all content on those pages.

With its judgement, dated 12 May 1998, the district court of Hamburg decided that companies or individuals who include a link to a website are partially responsible for its content. According to the district court, this can be prevented if the company or individual expressly distances itself from the content. We have included links to other websites on our website. For all these links, we would like to expressly emphasize that we in no way have any influence on the design or the contents on the linked pages. Therefore, we herewith expressly distance ourselves from all content contained in any linked website on our homepage. This statement shall apply to all links displayed with a banner on our homepage and to all content on those pages.

All copyrights: KW Kranwerke GmbH
Film: Helmut Schrötlin